Spiritual Counseling

Spiritual Counseling integrates the spirit with the mind.  In order to heal it is necessary to go back to the beginning.  This is the part of yourself where Spirit resides.  Spirit is the solid foundation with which you have to build upon.  Our goal is to bring you back home to yourself.  By following the guidelines and direction of Spirit, you can recognize what lies dormant in your heart and bring it to a place of active involvement in your life.  Understanding the natural energy force of the universe will allow this to happen.  In a spiritual counseling session you will understand the difference between what you have in your heart and what you have in your mind.

Aiijii Healing

Energy healing is a spiritually guided approach to healing in which your energy field is realigned. Healing energy is transferred from the God Source to the client.  Invisible Spirit entities work  above the practitioner blending Divine energy with the clients energy field, and then use the  practitioner  as a vehicle to channel the energies from the spiritual plane to the physical plane.  The practitioner then directs them to a physical body.

In Aiijii Healing, the Spirit entities blend their own energy bodies into the energy field of the practitioner, enabling them to use the practitioners body and physically move the hands to manipulate and blend energies together. This  allows the client to actually see what is normally invisible during an energy healing treatment. The Aiijii method of healing gives us a concrete way to have Spiritual understanding of healing.





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